Giving Back

At LWL, we host themed day camps that allow our students to build new skills, make lasting friendships, and create cherished memories. When learning is made fun and enjoyable, students become more engaged, motivated, and eager to acquire knowledge!

Throughout the year, partial camp proceeds are used to make a positive impact in our community! By participating in the day camp, children not only have a fun and educational experience, but also contribute to a greater cause, fostering a spirit of empathy and generosity from an early age.

We’re taking nominations from camp-goers on how partial camp proceeds are given back to our community!

February Camps

Previous Camps and Causes

October 2023

November 2023

The LWL Peace & Love Camp will be held on November 13 in our Kerrisdale Campus. This camp will be catered for students between the ages 3-13. Each student will be placed into groups based on their age.