SSAT Verbal Section Hacks: Strategies for Success

The SSAT verbal section can be challenging, especially when you encounter unfamiliar words. But don’t panic! With the right strategies, you can break down words and use logic to increase your chances of selecting the correct answer. Here’s how to approach synonyms and analogies effectively.

Synonyms: How to Tackle Unfamiliar Words

The synonym portion of the SSAT tests your ability to recognize words with similar meanings. If you don’t recognize a word immediately, use these techniques to narrow down your options and make an educated guess.

1. Break Down the Word 🧩

Many words contain recognizable prefixes, roots, and suffixes that provide clues about their meanings. Here are some examples:

  • un- (not) → unhappy (not happy)

  • bio (life) → biology (study of life)

  • -less (without) → fearless (without fear)

By identifying familiar components, you can infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

2. Think of Similar Words 🤔

Some words may sound like other words you already know. This can help you determine their meaning:

  • Coddle → sounds like cuddle (both suggest comfort or care)

  • Erratic → sounds like error (suggests unpredictability)

  • Linger → sounds like longer (suggests staying in place for a long time)

If a word reminds you of another word with a similar meaning, use that connection to guide your answer.

3. Use Elimination ✖️

If you’re unsure about a word’s meaning, use the process of elimination:

  1. Cross out words you know are incorrect.

  2. Look at the remaining choices and find the best fit.


Which word is closest in meaning to placid?

A) Angry
B) Calm
C) Excited
D) Nervous

You might not know placid, but if you eliminate angry, excited, and nervous as opposites, you’re left with calm, which is the correct answer!

Analogies: Finding the Right Relationship

Analogies test your ability to recognize relationships between words. Follow these steps to improve your accuracy.

1. Identify the Relationship 🔍

Analogies follow common relationships, such as:

  • Synonyms: Happy is to joyful

  • Antonyms: Hot is to cold

  • Part to Whole: Petal is to flower

  • Function: Pen is to write

Recognizing these patterns will help you make the right connections.

2. Make a Sentence 📝

Turning the analogy into a simple sentence can clarify the relationship:

  • Games take place in arenas, just like movies take place in cinemas.

  • A chef cooks food, just like a teacher educates students.

If you can create a logical sentence that connects the words, you’re more likely to find the right answer.

3. Identify the Strongest Connection 🔗

Sometimes, multiple answer choices seem correct. In these cases, select the one with the strongest connection.


Tree is to Leaf as:

A) House is to Window
B) Book is to Page
C) Car is to Tire
D) River is to Fish

Both Book is to Page and Tree is to Leaf suggest a part-to-whole relationship. However, a book is made up of pages, just as a tree is made up of leaves. This makes B) Book is to Page the strongest connection.

Final Thoughts

The SSAT verbal section doesn’t have to be intimidating! By breaking down words, using word associations, applying elimination techniques, and recognizing analogy relationships, you’ll be better prepared to tackle even the toughest questions.

Need help preparing for the SSAT? Contact us for expert guidance!


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